IP68 stainless steel DFWLID indicator.

The color of the backlight, in the tolerance control function, automatically changes depending on the weight.

Easy to programme and use, versatile and high performing weight indicator. The 40mm big colored backlit display gives a clear view of the weight and helps the user during the weighing operations. The wide range of available functions and interfaces make it suitable for multiple industrial and commercial weighing applications, such as floor scales, mobile weighing, etc. Fitted with an IP68 stainless steel case and a built-in rechargeable battery. CE-M approvable (OIML R-76/EN 45501).



  • 5-key functional waterproof keypad.
  • Backlit 40mm LCD display with 6 high contrast digits with icons for showing the active functions.
  • Color and brightness of the backlighting, customizable from Setup.
  • Easy to clean stainless steel IP68 case, resistant to harsh and corrosive environments.
  • Dimensions: 243x145x78,4mm.
  • Suitable for use on the table, column, or wall.
  • A/D 24 bit, 4 channel converter, max. 200 conv./sec. autoselect, and up to 8 signal linearisation points.
  • Up to 10.000e or multirange 3 x 3000e @ 0,3 µV/d in CE-M approved versions for legal for trade use.
  • Up to 1.000.000 displayable divisions with internal resolution up to 3.000.000 points.
  • Connection with up to 8 load cells with input resistance equal to 350 Ohm or up to 16 cells of 700 Ohm each.
  • Digital calibration and Set-Up from keypad or from PC through DINITOOLS.
  • Power supply through built-in rechargeable battery, with 40h operating time, and fitted with external battery charger.
  • ”DFWLIP” power source through internal power supply (version with no internal battery provided).


    – Zeroing
    – Automatic tare
    – Presettable tare
    – Printing in 1, 2 or 3 copies
    – Data transmission to PC.

    – High Resolution Weighing x 10
    – Net/Gross or lb/kg conversion
    – Accumulation
    – Formula weighing
    – +/- Checkweighing
    – Percentage weighing
    – Approved transmission of the weight to PC/PLC (with Alibi memory ALMEM option)
    – Counting
    – In/Out Truck weighing
    – Hold and Peak.


  • RS232/C bidirectional port on RJ connector for quick connection (or optional RS485) on screw terminal, configurable for PC, PLC, or additional remote display.
  • RS232/C bidirectional port configurable for connection to printer or labeller.

Available versions
  Code Description
DFWLID-2 Weight indicator with battery and external power supply. IP68 stainless steel case, 40mm LCD display with color backlit and 5 waterproof keys.
DFWLIP Weight indicator with internal power supply. IP68 stailess steel case with 40mm LCD display with color backlit and 5 waterproof keys.

Junction Box / Boards – Cell cables
  Code Description
LCCBC (S1) Cable for connection between platform and indicator, l=50cm. Female connector to be soldered.
LCCB5C (S1) LCCBC cable + 5m extension cable.
LCCB10C (S1) LCCBC cable + 10m extension cable.

  Code Description
KCEM Plates and Welmec form for legal trade use of a scale. NET PRICE. Service available in combination to a Dini Argeo indicator.

Storing the weighs (only at time of order)
  Code Description
SWM WeiMonitor PC program for monitoring and recording weighs in real time, from one or more scales.

  Code Description
CNFSERV Custom-made printouts for DFW and DFWL series. NET price.
LP542S (S1) Direct termal labeller.
LP542TT (S1) Thermal transfer or direct termal labeller. Peel-off kit in option.
SMTPLUSPRO (S1) Thermal transfer or direct termal labeller. Peel-off kit in option.
RSCBLP (S1) RS232 cable l=1,5m for LP542xx, SMTPLUS, PR80 printers.

Communication Interfaces
  Code Description
ALMEM (S1) Alibi memory (fiscal memory, max 120.000 weighs) for approved transmission of the weight to PC/PLC or data recording on MMC/USB. Real time clock integrated for print of the date/time.
RS485C (S1) Built-in RS485 interface (mounting and cable gland excluded).
BLTH-1 (S1) Built-in bluetooth interface. For wireless connection to the portable PC or PDA. Weighing app downloadable from Google Play.

Connection cables
  Code Description
RSCBUSBPG (S1) USB PC/RS232 converter cable, l=1,5m, with PG9. USB/RJ11 connector. For the connection to weight indicators with IP65 and IP68 protection system.
RSCBRJ (S1) RS232/C serial cable – DB9/RJ11 – l=1,5m.
RSCBRJ10M (S1) RS232/C serial cable – DB9/RJ11 – l=10m.

Weight repeaters
  Code Description
DGT100R (S1) Weight repeater with 100mm LED display. IP68 stainless steel case, 5-key keypad, air valve for regulating the humidity and the pressure.

Date&Time option
  Code Description
DFCLK (S1) Real time clock for printing/displaying of the date and time.

Columns and supports
  Code Description
STFR-1 Stainless steel fixing bracket with adjustable inclination. For mounting the weight indicator on wall.
KWR10 Kit of 4 rubber wheels and galvanized steel frame for CSP column. A pair of idler wheels and a pair with brakes.
CSP38I-1 Stainless steel column 450x450mm, h=917mm, Ø 38mm. For the indicators of the DINI ARGEO and SCALE HOUSE range.
CSP38 Stainless steel column 450x450mm, h=917, Ø 38mm. Painted steel base. For the indicators of the DINI ARGEO and SCALE HOUSE range.
CSP38D Stainless steel column 350x350mm, h=750mm. Painted steel base. For the indicators of the DINI ARGEO and SCALE HOUSE range.

Options for ATEX version
  Code Description
DCATEXMB4 ATEX declaration of the whole for systems with KMB4 barriers. Ex II 2GD IIC T6 T125°C X system, with relative label of whole system, for weight indicator connected to Dini Argeo zener barriers, connected to mechanical structure with ATEX load cells (each cell must be certified with CCATEX option). ATEX CONFORMITY DECLARATIONS will be supplied in English.
KMB4 Kit of 3 ATEX zener barriers for load cells, in an ABS box. For up to 4 load cells of 350 ohm, for intrinsic protection weighing systems in an hazardous area. Marking of the whole box with three Zener barriers: ATEX II 3(1)G Ex nA [ia Ga] IIC T4 Gc (-20°C ≤ Ta ≤ +40°C) for gas, ATEX II 3(1)D Ex tb [ia Da] IIIC T130°C Dc IP65 (-20°C ≤ Ta ≤ +40°C) for dusts.
JB4QA ABS IP67, ATEX, equalisation box for up to 4 cells. 4 + 1 fairleads. Protection modes: ATEX II 2G Ex ib IIC T6 Gb for gases, ATEX II 2D Ex tb IIIC T115°C Db IP65 for dusts. Complete with manual and ATEX CE CONFORMITY DECLARATIONS (available in EN, DE, FR and IT).
JB4QAI Stainless steel IP66, ATEX, equalisation box for up to 4 cells. 4 + 1 fairleads. Protection modes: ATEX II 2G Ex ib IIC T6 Gb for gases, ATEX II 2D Ex tb IIIC T115°C Db IP65 for dusts. Complete with manual and ATEX CE CONFORMITY DECLARATIONS (available in EN, DE, FR and IT).
EXCB6 (S6) Shielded, blue, 6×0,25mm² cable, for EX i (2GD) applications. €/m

Remote control
  Code Description
DFTL12-1 (S1) 19-keys remote control and infrared receiver kit (max 8m).

PG cable glands
  Code Description
PG7M 10 PG7 metallic cable gland set for weight indicators.
PG9M 10 PG9 metallic cable gland set for weight indicators.

Other options
  Code Description
VENT (S1) Valve for regulating humidity and pressure inside the indicator. Advised for IP68 applications.
TECSUP Technical assistance by telephone. NET Hourly price.
UMAN Printed user manual. (Free if downloaded from the web). € NET.
TECMAN Printed technical manual. (Free, if downloaded from the web). € NET.

Golden Lotus Indicator – under cert., “DFWLID”: STAINLESS STEEL WEIGHT INDICATOR WITH LARGE DIGITS LCD DISPLAY Weighing indicator by Diniargeo made in Italy (EU type).

“DFWLID”: STAINLESS STEEL WEIGHT INDICATOR WITH LARGE DIGITS LCD DISPLAY Digital weight indicator with a big display, suitable for advanced industrial applications. It allows the visualization of all the weighing data and the customization of the screens, simplifying the user operations. Fitted with 3 serial ports, transmission protocols for data communication, completely configurable printouts, integrated alibi memory, and port for connection to barcode/badge reader. “DFWLID”: STAINLESS STEEL WEIGHT INDICATOR WITH LARGE DIGITS LCD DISPLAY Diniargeo Weight indicator for ATEX 2 & 22 areas classified at risk of explosion. Protection methods according to ATEX II 3G Ex nR IIB T6 Gc X for gases and ATEX II 3D Ex tc IIIC T135°C Dc IP68 X for dust. Suitable for advanced industrial applications, under CE-M approvable (OIML R-76 / EN 45501).

* Golden Lotus Indicator products post at is under sale right by “Golden Lotus M.E.C” we distribute DiniArgeo Scales and DiniArgeo Indicators in Asia, southern Vietnam and can advise product solutions, products and services. Feel free to contact us: / or Call us: 848 3511 7799 (GMT +7).


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